
Covering everything you need to know about today’s digital space.

Hi, I’m Vanessa 🙂 I’m a marketer that loves to examine ways in which the digital space is evolving. This blog is my insight into that digital space, and how best to navigate it as both a business owner and a modern-day consumer.

Being Taught About Social Media as a Digital Native

(For those discovering this via a search engine – It’s on the first page of Google when you Google my name cause SEO lol – this is for a graduate program I am in. Check out for more targeted blogs useful to business owners and marketers alike!) I use social media to disseminate my…

Seth, God[in] of the Short-Tail Blog

Seth Godin’s blog is…unique. What makes it unique is its short-tail nature. All of Godin’s blog posts are readable in under a minute and provide immense value for those in the digital marketing space. As a frequent podcast listener and avid non-fiction book reader, I like to get my little fix of blog reading by…

Apricot Scrubs, Cancel Culture, and….PR?

Did you wash your face today? Well, I hope not with this particular skincare brand…let’s talk about why: Recently, “skincare TikTok” – an echo chamber for those interested in the best skincare brands – has ripped apart St. Ives Skin for the brand’s detriment to the environment and its low-quality ingredients. A TikTok-er that goes…

Vanilla Journalism

I can likely tell a story about you without ever having met you… You’re scrolling on social media and come across a sponsored ad containing an intriguing headline regarding the state of the world and so, intrigued, you click on the article. The article landing page lags for what feels like a minute, but only…


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